
InteDelta recently participated in a feature for Securities Lending Times on why collateral optimisation is a core focus for many financial institutions at present. The feature considers: The increasing levels of collateralisation across the market; The shift in...
InteDelta was recently invited to join a roundtable discussion hosted by on collateral management, the ongoing impact of new regulations and how institutions are reacting to these changes. Topics covered included: The different strands of regulation from...
The parallel adoption of the Basel III enhanced capital adequacy framework and the various strands of regulation implementing the G20's OTC derivatives reforms presents a massive challenge to financial market participants that must be addressed if anything close to current...
The growth in collateralised transactions has for many years outpaced the rise in transaction volumes. In addition to this, the introduction of Central Clearing by regulators represents a fundamental overhaul of the OTC Derivatives market and significantly increases the amount...
Solvency II represents the largest ever change for insurers operating in Europe. It is set to transform profoundly the way insurance companies operate. This research paper presents the findings of a survey of insurance firms conducted for BNP Paribas by InteDelta in the summer...


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